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The Parish Hall

Minutes of a parish meeting dated 29th January 1846, donated with the Deeds of Harvington Reading Room by the relatives of the late Sue Coley in 2021. Those present were: the Rev Winnington-Ingram (Chairman), Messrs Thomas Gould Marshall, John Marshall, John Hall, Frederick Tisam, James J Charles, John Bullock and James Ingram. This document is also linked to the Reading Room and School pages.

A 1919 list of Harvington people who had not yet returned from war.

From Sarah Dintith on Facebook:-
"thought this might be useful to anyone doing a bit of research - absent
voters for evesham area autumn 1919 (people who were away with the war effort and not yet returned) soon
available online through".

A collection of items recorded at the time of the coronation 1952, a listing of villagers and their addresses in 1949 and a description of street lighting in 1963. Documents lent by Rosa Smith.

  Coronation Minutes 1952-4      List of Residents 1949      Street Lighting